MARCH 1859
Tuesday, March 1, 1859. Fine weather all day evening cloudy. Three ploughs are going here today. Legg harrowed and plowed five
bushels of weat at Ashland. We finished sowing all the weat, one hundred sixty-six bushels sown. Keheava and Tapou are at the
granary. Greig and the spare hands are planting vegetables for seed. The oxen hauled a load of rails from Spanaway
and finished the day hauling firewood. Ross and Simon drove in horses to brand and getting horses for Sanchez for the commission.
Wednesday, March 2, 1859. Squally weather, the work was the same as yesterday.
Thursday, March 3, 1859. Very heavy squalls, the most severe rain we have experienced throughout the winter, two ploughs at work. The oxen are hauling rails from Spanaway. One hand is
assisting Sanchez in breaking horses to pack. The hands were employed in chinking grain house, etc. I sent the cart to the Fort for beef.
Friday, March 4, 1859. There was snow last night, heavy showers during the day. The hands were employed in plowing, at the
granary, moving fence and enlarging of field. Oxen hauling rails. Ross and Simon are after horses. Sanchez at his horses, one man
assisting him, (Williamson).
Saturday, March 5, 1859. Heavy showers and wind all day. The hands were variously employed. I went to the Fort this evening.
Sunday, March 6, 1859. Raining nearly all day.
Monday, March 7, 1859. Snowing nearly all last night, about two inches on the ground this morning, but it all disappeared before
night. Sent four of the steers from Elk plain to the Fort, the Elk plain band of cattle were here today, rebranded some of them
on which the old brand was not plain.
Cook Sam sick, Tapou doing duty for him. The hands are branding cattle and making a small corral wherein to brand cattle without
roping them. Two ploughs going here, received another order from Dr. Tolmie to drive thirteen head of cattle to Steilacoom tomorrow
to ship per the "Constitution" on the account of Mssrs Thomas and McElenrie. A man named G. Sexton came
out today to assist Sanchez in breaking horses on account of the boundary commission.
Tuesday, March 8, 1859. Very severe weather, snowing and raining all day. Drove thirteen head of cattle to Steilacoom, shipped
twelve head per "Constitution.' One got off at Steilacoom. Remained at the Fort this evening.
Wednesday, March 9, 1859. No change in the weather and a good deal of snow fell but soon disappeared. Came out by way of Steilacoom
and Puyallup, looking for horses, could not find them, took the breaker hands with me. Legg and Ross. Sanchez and Sexton have
now five horses in to break.
Thursday, March 10, 1859. The weather is the same, very severe. Dr. Tolmie and Mr. Skinner are here. The "Otter" has arrived from
Victoria with goods for Nisqually. Accompanied Dr. Tolmie and Mr. Skinner to Elk Farm. Mr. Skinner takes fifteen beeves from the
Elk Plain band to go to Fort tomorrow to be shipped. Had the band here tonight and picked out fifteen, let off
the remainder.
The Down Ewe band and the wethers and Rosses' bands are up tonight. I am to examine them tomorrow to find if there are
muttonable sheep amongst them. We are offered ten cents per pound live weight. Rabasca returned from Elk Plain having finished the
plowing there. Sam, Cook, and Legg laid up on account of sickness. One plough at work here. The oxen are hauling
rails and the stallions are hauling straw from Elk Farm. The spare hands are variously employed.
Friday, March 11, 1859. Two inches of snow on the ground this morning which disappeared by midday. Examined the ewes in the
Down flock and found none of them fit for mutton, the weathers the same. Sent Ross, Rabasca, and Simon to the Fort with the fifteen
steers for McElenrie. The oxen hauled in a load of oats to the Fort and are to remain in and haul goods up from
the beach. One plough at work here. Moved in a pit of potatoes and planted out
some onions, carrots, and turnips for seed.
The cart went to the Fort for Beef. Found a lot of our best mares were in Wren's barn, drove them away. Wren not at home.
Saturday, March 12, 1859. Fine. Legg took around the monthly rations to the Southwest stations. The horse cart went with the
rations to Elk plain station. Keheva finished the landing place. Two ploughs are going. Williamson is working in the garden. Went
to the Fort this morning.
Sunday, March 13, 1859. Raining hard all day.
Monday, March 14, 1859. Heavy showers of sleet. At the Fort assisting in opening the new goods.
Tuesday, March 15, 1859. Showery. Came out today. Yesterday Legg, Kehova, and Williamson went to Tu-chat-chee and cut a road
to the rails in the wood. Barr, assisted by the Indian Seurigtrool is to commence hauling them out. He has a wagon and
one yoke of cattle. Anioha the cook commenced work again yesterday. Keaveahaccow and Tapou are employed in cedar
boarding the weather sides of the new granary near the stable. Two ploughs are at work. Williamson and Legg and two Indians are at work in
the garden, making beds and showing onion seed. I’ve rebranded the Molock House cattle, brought out an assortment of goods for the
servants and for sale.
Wednesday March 16, 1859. Showery. Keheva and Tapou are building a shed in the yard to my house. Legg and Rabasca are ploughing
the potato land. The oxen returned to the Fort. Williamson was employed in the garden. I went to Silugowas, Ashland and
Kul-kel-eh. Ross and Legace went to the back plain Squally to hunt for a wild ox belonging to the Puget Sound
Company. They found the ox and wounded him, tracked him for about five hours but
couldn't find him. I stayed at the Fort this evening.
Thursday, March 17, 1859. Showery, came out from the Fort by way of Squally Lake and Tu-chat-chee. Drove up some mares with young
colts to put with the stallion.
The hands were employed in sowing and harrowing oats, cutting and hauling stuff for building a shed on the north side of the stable
and in the garden. Young found one of the missing steers amongst Wren's cattle. It is supposed that Wren knows what has become of
the other.
Wren was here today, says the Company has branded one of his horses. I told him I would give him up if he could prove the
animal to be his. He says he will bill me for it.
Friday, March 18, 1859. In the forenoon there was much rain. The afternoon was fine. The hands are making a shed on the north side
of the stable, also sowing and harrowing oats, etc. The oxen fetched a load of straw from Molock House. I went to Molock
House. Saw Murray and Myers, the directors of the Muck School. A tax is to be leveled on all property in the district. I
have agreed to haul out three thousand feet of lumber from Byrd's Mill for thirty dollars of the Company's tax.
Saturday, March 19, 1859. Raining, cold weather. The hands are employed at the shed on the north side of the stable, sowing, and
harrowing oats, in the garden, etc. Sent round rations, went to the Fort this evening.
Sunday, March 20, 1859. No change in the weather.
Monday, March 21, 1859. Cold rainy weather. Am at the Fort looking over accounts today.
Tuesday, March 22, 1859. Rainy windy weather. Came out today. The hands finished roofing the shed. They are putting up fences,
putting in timothy seed sown on a ten acre patch of sorrel land (the land previously sown with oats). The oxen are hauling rails
from Spanaway. Ross and Simon looking up mares and colts for the stallions.
Wednesday, March 23, 1859. Rainy, squally weather. The hands are Employed at the stable shed. One plough going, sent the horse wagon over accounts today.
Loads of oats to the fort. The oxen are hauling rails from Spanaway. Went to the Fort this evening by way of Tu-chaat-chee. Barr is getting on well with the early ploughing.
Thursday, March 24, 1859. Extremely heavy rain all last night. Today and this night so far (8 p.m.), the country is flooded with
water. I came out from the Fort by the way of Kul-kul-eh, Ashland, and Silahowas. Ross gave me notice that he intends
quitting the service on Saturday. I intend removing P. Lagace to Ross' place at Kul-kul-eh and placing Kahamin at Ashland. We
ploughed some today, Legg fetched flour from the Mill. Kahamin and Tapon were making grain bins in the new granary. The oxen
were hauling rails.
Friday, March 25, 1859. Showery all day, rained hard all last night. I had the Kul-kul-eh cattle up today. We rebranded some
of them. I sent twenty-five head to stay at Molock Farm. The hands were employed about the cattle at the stable shed. One
plough was going by Muck. Herding mares and foals. Simon was out looking for mares with foals. The oxen were hauling oats
from the barn to the granary near the stables. The Cart went to the Fort for Beef. I gave in on the assessment of the Puget's Sound
Company's property.
Saturday, March 26, 1859. Cold, showers of sleet. Ross left today. I went myself to Kul-kul-eh and put P. Lagace in Ross's
place, moved Kahamin to Ashland house, went to the Fort in the evening.
Sunday, March 27, 1859. Wheather the same.
Monday, March 28, 1859. Cold and showery. Two ploughs are going. Got up a lot of oxen for hauling the School tax lumber tomorrow. Oxen are hauling rails from Spanaway. The Muck
River is very full and is flowing over some of the weat land.
Tuesday, March 29, 159. Severe showers of sleet with plenty of wind. Sent four teams to Byrd's Mill and hauled the School
House (Tax on account of it) Lumber. The hands were sowing onion seed and gathering large stones off the land. The horse cart is
hauling straw from the barn to the stable. Simon is looking for mares with foals.
Wednesday, March 30, 1859. A hard frost this morning, cold all day and in the evening there was a heavy shower of snow. Keheva and
Tapon are cutting logs for picket fencing. Williamson and an Indian sowing onion seed and planted two bushels of potatoes. Sent three men with team and harrow to sow oats at Silahowas. Sent
an Indian to assist Barr in hauling out rails at Tu-chaat-chee. The oxen are hauling fire wood. I went to Silahowas and
Kul-kul-eh. Two of the beef oxen were lately found dead, in a mud hole, in the Squally River bottom. The meat was in
a rotten state.
Tuesday, March 31, 1859. A hard frost this morning. It was sunny part of the day but cold. The hands are barking and bringing
pickets. The oxen are hauling pickets and firewood.
Friday, April 1, 1859. Frosty morning, fine, the rest of the day. The hands were putting up picket fencing in the principal
lane. The oxen were hauling firewood. We killed an ox from the Elk Plain bands for rations. Simon bringing up the mares. I am
tomorrow morning to go to Kul-kul-eh and pick out fifteen head of beef cattle and drive them to the fort to be shipped on Monday
next by the Constitution for beef for Skinner and McKendrich, Victoria, Vancouver Island.
Saturday, April 2, 1859. Fine. Myself and two men went to Kul-kul-eh this morning and picked out fifteen head of cattle and
drove them to the Fort to ship on Monday on the Constitution. The sheep here have commenced lambing. One lamb last night.
Monday, April 4, 1859. Fine. Shipped the cattle today. Slept at the Fort.
Tuesday, April 5, 1859. Came out to Muck today, the lambing going on well. The ox wagon gone to the fort to get a load of
sugar (from Steilacoom). Tapon is assisting at lambing the Ewe flock here. One plough going. Brought in some horses for the
boundary men.
Wednesday, April 6, 1859. Fine. The hands were thrashing weat. The wagon returned from Steilacoom with ten barrels of sugar. The
lambing is going on well. Williamson and Indians are herding the ewes and lambs. Daniells, Tapon and two Indian boys are lambing
the band. Have eighteen mares now with Yamhill. Bought a dry cow from Wren for sixty dollars. Drove her to
the Fort. Went to the Fort by way of Silahowas and Tu-chaat-chee. The lambing is going
on well at the first mentioned place.
Thursday, April 7, 1859. Gloomy and rainy, evening raining hard. Came out from the Fort this morning. Cleaned the weat thrashed
yesterday and thrashed oats. The oxen are hauling straw from the barn to the stable. Had up the early lambs from Silahowas, cut
and marked them. Simon drove up the mares and horses for the boundary men. A sheep was found lately by an
American named Buddings, hanging up in Dyers house near Partridge hill, probably
a company's sheep. Dyer is a noted rascal. I took on three Indians for the lambing.
Friday, April 8, 1859. Stormy weather, very severe on the lambs. The hands are winnowing oats and thrashing peas. Purchased 18
head of cattle from Wren and Burge, they were delivered here. Branded them, am to drive them to the Fort tomorrow. Killed one of
the Wren oxen for rations.
Saturday, April 9, 1859. Heavy squalls, rain and sleet, very cold. Severe on the lambs. The hands are thrashing out peas. The oxen
are hauling straw from the barn to the stables. Sent eight of the Wren cattle to the Fort. Myself and Legg drove the remaining nine
head to Kul-kul-eh. Went to the Fort this evening.
Sunday, April 10, 1859. Bad weather. A heavy fall of snow for about an hour. Did not remain on the ground. The eight head of
Wren cattle sent from Muck to the Fort yesterday got away from the Indians all except one head.
Monday, April 11, 1859. Very cold weather for the season. We have lost several lambs during the last three days on account of the
severe weather. Moved in a pit of potatoes. Keaveahaccow and the Indian women are beating out peas. Rabasca ploughing. Legg sowed
six bushels of peas. Two harrows are going by the oxen. Simon is driving up mares to the
stallions. A wolf has killed six weathers at Molock farm. Sent up Greig with directions to lay a bait, the
same wolf killed a calf and four horses, not company property.
Tuesday, April 12, 1859. Cold, wintry weather. Sowing and harrowing oats. Beating out peas. Drove in one of the steers
purchased from Wren to kill here tomorrow and send beef to the Fort. The lambing is going on well, considering the bad weather.
Wednesday. April 13, 1859. Gloomy. Harrowing oats. Rabasca sowed four bushels of oats at Silahowas. Barr is now ploughing at
Tu-chaat-chee with the oxen. Killed one of the Wren steers to send to the Fort tomorrow. The lambing is going on well. Gang of
women (four) thrashing out peas. Simon driving up horses every day, employed at the same. Jack is herding mares with
Thursday, April 14, 1859. Fine. The hands were employed putting up fencing and thrashing peas, and harrowing oats. Sent a load of
oat straw to Tu-chaat-chee farm. Went to Silahowas, Kul-kul-eh and Tu-chaat-chee. Dr. Tolmie and Mr. Lord, of the British
Boundary Commission, were here today. Mr. Lord is to come out on Tuesday next to pass and brand the pack horses.
Sent the beef killed yesterday to the Fort early this morning.
Friday, April 15, 1858. Fine, summer weather. Sowed fourteen bushels of peas. In hauling home one of the beef cattle, a fat
cow, one of the lot purchased from Wren, one of the horses, Cowlitz Cream was gored and died instantly. A sad loss, he being
a fine horse. Shot and dressed up the cow to send to the Fort tomorrow.
Saturday, April 16, 1859. Fine. Killed a bullock to send to the Fort tomorrow. Two harrows at work. Finished ploughing at
Silagowas. Went to Kul-kul-eh and picked out and drove here twenty-five head of cattle to drive to Steilacoom tomorrow to ship
per the Constitution on account of the Puget's Sound Company at Victoria. Sent the Beef killed yesterday to the Fort in the
early morning. Simon drove up some of the boundary commission horses.
Sunday, April 17, 1859. Fine. Started this morning with the twenty-five steers to Steilacoom but within a mile of Steilacoom
learned that the Constitution had grounded at Olympia and would not be at Steilacoom till late at night. Drove the cattle to the
Monday, April 18, 1859. Fine. Shipped the cattle at daylight this morning and returned home. Two hands are out driving up the
horses for the inspection of Mr. Lord of the Boundary Commision. Finished sowing oats at Silagowas. Killed a beef and sent it to
the Fort. The lambing is well nigh through.
Tuesday, April 19, 1859. Fine. Dr. Tolmie and Mr. Lord were out today. Mr. Lord passed thirty horses and is coming out again on
Friday to inspect more. I sent thirty bushels of oats, teams and men to seed at qastuc. Rabesca is the seedman. Legg and Simon
are out looking for horses, mares, and foals, etc. Went to Tu-chaat-chee. Barr is getting on well with the ploughing.
Wednesday, April 20, 1859. Fine weather. The hands are variously employed. Killed an oxen for the Fort. Planted twelve bushels of
potatoes at Tu-chaat-chee.
Thursday, April 21, 1859. Fine. Sent ten quarters of beef to the Fort in the horse cart. Three hands are out looking for horses
for the boundary commission, sent a horse, plough, etc. to work at Tu-chaat-chee. Keheva and Gohome are making wood stirups for four
saddles. I have to wait for Mr. Lord. The teams and men returned from Sastuc.
Friday, April 22, 1859. Gloomy with slight rain. Sent the teams and the men to sow oats at Molock farm. Mr. Lord is here today. He picked out five more horses, making the number up to
thirty six. Keheva and Gohome are making wood stirups. Wilson is here rigging saddles for Mr. Lord's party on account of the Boundary
Commission. Killed an ox for rations. Legg and Simon are looking up horses. Went to the Fort and returned immediately. Williamson
took his discharge today.
Saturday, April 23, 1859. Fine. Finished making the wooden stirups. Wilson had made the rigging for four saddles on account
for Mr. Lord. Went to Kul-kul-eh and drove here twelve large oxen for the Boundary Commission teams and the men returned from Molock
Farm. They have not gotten finished in their sowing of oats there. Rabasca took around rations. Had the wethers
and ram band up, counted them and found some missing.
Sunday, April 24, 1859. Gloomy, went to the Fort this morning.
Monday, April 25, 1859. Fine. At the Fort making out the account against the Boundary Commission. The horses and cattle left Muck
this morning for Steilacoom to be shipped per the Constitution. The horse wagon took down a load of items, property of the
Commission. Two men from Muck assisted in driving down to Steilacoom.
Tuesday. April 26, 1859. Came out from the Fort today. Greig killed an ox yesterday for the Fort. The hands are repairing
fences, etc. One plough at work for potatoes. Went to Molock house and Sastuc ewes at Sattuc have commenced lambing. The band
at this place and that at Silagowas are nearly through lambing. The oxen are hauling fire logs.
Wednesday, April 27, 1859. Gloomy, slight showers of rain. The hands are planting potatoes, twenty-eight bushels planted. Rabesca and the horse plough are making drills. We lately
received from England an iron plough with double mould head for making drills and earthing up potatoes. We tried it today but our
horses are not strong enough to pull it. It is so heavy that four men have enough to do to move it about from place to place. The
two stallions might be able to work it but they being with the mares are not at liberty to do so at present.
Legg and Simon are driving up young horses for castration. Sent the horse wagon to the Fort to get a new tongue put in. Sorted
the ewes remaining in the Leicster and Southdown flocks, picked out forty-six dry ewes for the two flocks and intend tomorrow to
join the forty-six with the Red House band.
Thursday, April 28, 1859. Fine. The hands are planting potatoes, hauled in a potato pit, bought a fat dry cow from Wren for
fifty-seven dollars. The Elk Plain cattle are here. Picked out four of the fattest to send to the Fort tomorrow. Sent the band
Friday, April 29, 1859. Fine. Drove the cattle to the Fort. Planted fourteen bushels of potatoes this day making sixty bushels
planted this week. Sent the men and teams to Tu-chaat-chee, sowed and harrowed in twenty-two bushels of oats there. Keaveahaccow and Gohome are making a new lumber cart. Legg and
Simon are employed about wild horses.
Saturday, April 30, 1859. Fine. The women are cleaning out the horse parks. Rabasca took around the Southwest rations. Ignace
with the cart took the Elk plain rations. Gohome and Keveva are at the timber cart.
MAY 1859
Sunday, May 1, 1859. Gloomy, no rain.
Monday, May 2, 1859. Fine. Gohome and Kehova are making a timber cart. Tapon is cutting firewood. Killed a cow bought from Wren. One team of oxen fetched the repaired wagon from
the Fort. The women are sorting potatoes. Legg and Simon are out after horses. Wren says that Greig on Friday the 22nd killed one of his oxen
instead of one of ours, but the skin proves to be that of the Company's ox. Wren still insists that it was his ox.
Tuesday, May 3, 1859. Gloomy. Evening, signs of rain. The hands are making.... Sent the men, women and teams to Silagowas farm and
planted fifteen bushels of potatoes there. The hands returned this evening. Yelmor's band of mares, herded by Simon. Sent the
animal killed yesterday to the Fort. The oxen are rolling grain. Went to Molock farm. The hands are employed there
planting up grain. Wren says he thinks he was mistaken regarding the skin spoken of yesterday.
Wednesday, May 4, 1859. Fine. Planted ten bushels of potatoes at Kul-kuleh. Kehova and Gohome are working on posts for a fence in
front of the large house. Went to Silagowas, Ashland and Kul-kul-eh. Wolves killed five sheep (Ewes) at Ashland.
Thursday, May 5, 1859. Fine. Went today accompanied by Greig to Steilacoom having been summonded to appear as a witness on a
criminal suit against C. Wren for stealing cattle, property of the Puget's Sound Company. We have all along suspected Wren of having
killed the cattle missing from Molock Farm, only found no proof until the other day when I saw a load of hides
leaving Wren's house for Steilacoom. I directed at attorney to go to Steilacoom
and examine the hides which he did in company of Dr. Tolmie and found two of the missing hides with our
brands upon the same. The load was put off trial was put off until tomorrow.
Rabesca with a wagon took a load of weat to Mill and brought home a load of flour. The oxen are ploughing. The women are weeding
in the garden.
Friday, May 6, 1859. Gloomy with rain. Went to Steilacoom this morning accompanied by Greig. Wren was tried before a court of
justice and found guilty and bound over to take his case at the next district court. The hands are going around and making good
fences, ploughing and weeding in the garden.
Saturday, May 7, 1859. Gloomy all day. The evening was showery. The sheep washing was commenced at the Fort last Monday. The
wether and ram band is here today from Molock House. They go to the Fort tomorrow. The hands are at fencing, ploughing and at
work in the garden. Rabesca and the horse wagon took round the Southwest rations. Ignace with the horse
cart the Molock farm Rations (Monthly).
Sunday, May 8, 1859. Showery.
Monday, May 9, 1859. Thin ice this morning. Very heavy showers this day and cold. Keaveahaccow and Tapon commenced making a
lean-to shed on the end kitchen. Rabasca is drilling potatoes, planted twenty bushels. The oxen took a load of potatoes to the
Fort and brought out a load of lumber. Went to Sastuc, the lambing is going on well there. Directed Cooper to cut
logs for a barn at Sastuc. Legg is out looking for mares for the stallions.
Tuesday, May 10, 1859. Wet, cold miserable day. Planted eighteen bushels of potatoes. Took on Indian Cowtah to break wild horses. Bought an ox from Andrew Burge for sixty dollars. Will
drive it to the Fort tomorrow. Keaveahaccow and Tapon are mending fences. The oxen fetched a load of lumber from the beach at the Fort. Settled with the Muck school district tax with Mr.
Brown. The tax amount to $92.76. My account against the district is $41.75 with
the amount of cash due at $51.00
Wednesday, May 11, 1859. Forenoon was cold and cloudy. The afternoon was fine. Keaveachaccow and Tapon are at the shed on
the end of the kitchen. Planted twelve bushels of potatoes. The oxen are hauling dung on the land. The Molock farm cattle are
here. Picked out four and myself and Legg drove them to the Fort.
Brought out a jackass stallion (lately purchased by Dr. Tolmie at Steilacoom for sixty dollars) to put with some of the mares to
breed mules. Cowatah is looking up mares.
Thursday, May 12, 1859. Fine summer weather. The hands are putting up a fence through a corner of the farm field Fixing up
kitchen and riding wild horses. The oxen are hauling rails split by Gohome. Killed an ox for rations from the Molock house band. Legg is hunting up a stray ox from Molock house. Found the animal
but couldn't not drive it.
George Barr here today. He has built up the fence at Tu-chaat-chee as far as the rails there would admit. I directed
him to haul rails from the large corral at Ashland as being no longer needed there.
Friday. May 13, 1859. Fine, warming weather. The hands were employed as yesterday.
Saturday, May 14, 1859. Fine, very warm. The hands were employed in the garden. The oxen are hauling dung. Left this evening for
the Fort accompanied by Legg who goes with me on Monday next to Cowlitz to take account of the stock there and make over the place
to Mr. G. D. Roberts, the present gentleman in charge. Mr. is to be removed to some one of the Hudson's
Bay Company posts. W. Greig remains in charge here during my absence. Went to the Fort
by Suligowas and Kul-kul-eh.
Thursday, May 26, 1859. Wheather since the 14th has been fine. Returned from Cowlitz' yesterday bringing with me the Cowlitz
horses, eighteen in number. I return again shortly to bring away the cattle. A Mr. Morris from California is now at the Fort,
wants to buy a few pure bred sheep.
Friday, May 27, 1859. Fine all day, the evening had signs of rain. Came out to Muck with Dr. Tolmie and Mr. Morris. The two large
band of ewes are up. Castrated and cut tailed the lambs. Not an extra crop, but pretty good. All the hands here from the out
stations a feasting. Sold Mr. Morris thirteen ewes and thirteen lambs at $30 the pair. Mr. Morris remains here tonight.
Work has been going on well during my absence. A good deal of land has been ploughed (fallowed) fence and a gate through the middle of the
Saturday, May 28, 1859. Rained hard at intervals last night and continued throughout the day. Mr. Morris left this morning with
his sheep. Counted the bands of sheep and sent them home. Sent the Tu-chaat-chee flock (wether lambs) to the Fort where they are
to remain for a time to park upland for root crops. A great many cattle are now in the country eating up our grass,
droves from Oregon, principally breeding stock.
I have reengaged the Kanaka Kaemi to herd sheep at Ashland with Ka-hamin, also a man who is now herding here with G. Daniels. The
sheep are all shorn except the Sastuc flock ewes, the lambs of which band have not yet been castrated.
Sunday, May 29, 1859. Heavy, cold showers during the day, the evening showing signs of a change.
Monday, May 30, 1859. No change in the weather, heavy showers. The hands are employed planting and preparing the land for
cabbage, digging out roots and breaking wild horses to work. Joined the Molock house cattle with the Kul-kul-eh band. Barr is
here from Tu-chaat-chee. He is now employed fencing in the crop at that place. Couri is making stakes for the fence
being built at Silagowas. 1 plough going here.
Received an order from Dr. Tolmie to have the ram band here tomorrow. Mr. Morris wishes to purchase a Southdown Ram. I am to
go to Cowlitz again some day this week to fetch away cattle.
JULY 1859
Thursday, July 14, 1859. Fine weather. Doctor Tolmie and Mr. Huggins accompanied by E.
Spencer who is to remain at this place arrived this morning. Branded some cattle that were bought from Mr. Reinman and
sorted some sheep. Sent some sheep to the Fort. To Silagowas for the horse wagon and sent a ox wagon. Dr. Tolmie and Mr. Huggins
returned to the fort in the evening.
Friday, July 15, 1859.
Fine weather in the forenoon and in the evening it turned out rainey. Sent Legg to.the mill. He returned in the evening with
nine hundred and sixty-six pounds of flour. Doctor Tolmie and Mr. Huggins arrived and divided Mr. Reimans cattle. Sent the oxen and
steers to Elk Plain and the cows and calves to the fort and the dry cows and heifers to the back plains. McLeod arrived
with the ox wagon and brought six hundred thirty five pounds of bacon for use of the place and took Mr. Huggin's things to the Fort. Sent
some of the ewes and rams to the Fort. Mr. Reiman's men brought in two head of cattle.
Saturday, July 16, 1859. Fine weather. Sent Legg around with rations. Cowie employed
weeding and thinning onions and other jobs. Wilson not at work.
Sunday, July 17, 1859.
Fine. Mr. Reiman brought in thirty-five head of cattle. Sent Keheva to the Fort in the car and Legg on horseback.
Monday, July 18, 1859. Fine. Mr. Huggins and Legg arrived and branded thirty-seven head
of cattle, that were purchased from Mr. Reiman. Sent twenty-five head to Elk Plain and twelve to
Back plain. Cowie in from the Fort with the cart and brought out James Heath who is to remain
here. Stital engaged to herd cattle at Elk plain. Mr. Reiman's men brough in six head of cattle.
Tuesday, July 19, 1859.
Fine, sent Cowie to the Fort with the cart. He took in three hundred sixteen pounds of flour.Mr. Reiman delivered seven head of
cattle. Got the rams in. Doctor Tolmie accompanied by Mr. Huggins and Mr. Galigher paid a visit to this place and returned
to the Fort in the evening. Wyamouth sent to the Fort to work there. Rabasca looking for plough
horses but did not find any.
Wednesday, July 20, 1859. Fine, branded the cattle that Mr. Reiman delivered and sent six
head to Elk plain and three to Parrish. Mr. Reiman started from this place this morning with
sixty-four ewes, twenty-four lambs and two rams that he bought from the Puget Sound Agricultural
Company. Killed a weather from the south downs flock of sheep, weighing fifty-one
pounds. Allick is for the Fort cart. G. Daniells brought in a merino ewe with a broken leg which we were
obliged to kill. It weighed twenty pounds.
Thursday, July 21, 1859. Fine. Rabasca ploughing with studs for cole seed in the timothy
field across the river. Kalama sent to the back plain to make a park for cattle.
Friday, July 22, 1859. Fine. Rabasca finished ploughing and harrowing the field for cole
seed. Kathtal hauling fine wood with the horse cart. Killed a pig weighing two hundred pounds.
Saturday, July 23, 1859. Fine. Sent Rabasca and Kathtal around with the rations. Wyamouth
is out looking for horses and brought note from Mr. Huggins
Sunday, July 24, 1859.
Fine. Sent Kathtal to the Fort with the balance wheel and brakes of the reaper . Has patterns for to get new ones at the foundary. Went to the Fort, returned in the
evening. Found all right.
Monday, July 25, 1859. Fine, sent Rabasca for horses to thresh weat with. Sowed some
cole seed. Arioha arrived in the afternoon and hauled some rails to make a park in front of the river to
put horses that are used for thrashing in. Arioha sowed the cole seed and returned to
Tuesday,July 26, 1859. Fine. Repaired the barn and commenced thrashing in the afternoon. Alick arrived with a note from Mr. Huggins informing us that the
steamer “Otter” had arrived. Alick took Jeney and Leland to the Fort for the buggy. Sent word to Greig to send Perisha to the Fort with
the ox wagon to haul wood to the beach.
Wednesday, July 27, 1859. Rain with thunder in the forenoon. Cleared up towards the middle
of the day. Sent Rabasca to the Fort with the stallion team and nineteen bushels of oats. Alick in
from the Fort and took Sealth in to see his daughter and brought him back in the evening and
returned to the Fort. Legg arrived from Cowlitz where he had been after some missing cattle but
did not find any. A person of the name of R. Parker brought in four head of Mr. Reiman's cattle
branded them and kept them in the park. Flock of gimmers in from the Fort, picked out seven
and three old ewes and put them along with the Leicester rams. Meemaan sent out to herd them.
Thursday, July 28, 1859. Fine. Sent three head of cattle to Elk Plain and one cow to Back
Plain went to the Fort to see Doctor Tolmie before he left for Victoria.
Friday, July 29, 1859. Fine. Returned from the Fort and found all right.
Saturday, July 30, 1859. Fine. Sent Kathtal around with the rations. Rabasca arrived with
the stallion team. He brought out one hundred sixty-two pounds of salt beef.
Sunday, July 31, 1859. Forenoon fine, afternoon turned out rainey. Went to the Fort and
returned in the evening. Young brought out a cow for this place.
Monday, August 1, 1859. Fine. Rabasca thrashing with horses from Elk Plain. Ten head of
cattle are missing.
Tuesday, August 2, 1859. Fine. Rabasca and two women with stallion team went to Greigs to
assist cutting the oats but did not commence as there were no cradles. Went to the Fort and
returned in the evening. Found three of the meeman's ewes missing. A ewe and a lamb belonging to
G. Daniell's flock died.
Wednesday. August 3, 1859. Cloudy with a slight showers -Took the reaper to Greigs but did
not commence cutting as some of the machinery was out of order. Sent Kathtal to the mill with
twenty-five and a half bushels of weat to get ground. Likewise one of the studs to Steilacoom to
get shod. Mr. Riley came out to live on Mr. Galigher's claim.
Thursday, August 4, 1859. Cloudly with a little rain. Took Kingman to Greigs to fix the
reaper and commenced cutting but on account of the unsettled state of the weather Legg came out to
assist with the reaper. Returned to Muck in the evening and found that Mr. Hittal had returned.
Friday, August 5, 1859. Rainey weather. The hands employed themselves with horses. Legg
went to the Fort.
Saturday, August 6, 1859. Rainy weather. Hands were employed in thrashing. Mr. Hittal went
round with the rations. Young is in from Elk plan for rations.
Sunday August 7, 1859. Legg and Keheva in for their things and returned to the Fort.
Monday, August 8, 1859. Fine. Took all the hands to Greigs and commenced in cutting oats. Found the reaper worked very well. Returned to Muck in the
Tuesday, August 9, 1859. Fine. All hands were employed at Greigs with the reaper, but
could not work at it all day as some of the bolts and nuts wore out. Sent Kingman to the Fort to make
new ones. Mr. Huggins and Legg payed a visit to Greigs in the evening and returned to the
Fort. Sent eighty-five bushels of weat to the Fort by McLeod.
Wednesday, August 10, 1859. Fine. As we could not work with the reaper. Sent the Indians to
work cutting with sickles(at Greigs). Killed a two year old ox from Parrishs band and Kingman
returned from the Fort and set the reaper to work. Mr. Huggins and Legg came to Muck and picked out
some Ewes from G. Daniells flock of sheep to put with the Leechester ram.
Thursday, August 11, 1859. Fine, busy cutting oats at Greigs in the forenoon and in the
afternoon went to Kahimins and commenced there. Had to leave off rather early as we broke one of the
iron parts that the knife works in. Had to go to Muck for a new one. Returned to Greigs
about eleven o'clock at night. G. Daniells went into the Fort with his sheep.
Friday, August 12, 1859. Fine. Cut all the oats that we could at Kahimins with the reaper
and returned to Muck and commenced culling the potato pits.
Saturday, August 13, 1859. Cloudy with a little rain. Did not cut any oats on that account. The hands were employed in hauling peas. Konayaulacan went round
with the rations. G. Daniells came from the fort with his sheep.
Sunday, August 14, 1859. Cloudy raining weather. Went to the Fort and returned in the evening.
Monday, August 15, 1859. Fine. Commenced cutting oats but did not cut much when we broke
the tongue of the reaper. Got it mended and commenced again in the evening. The hands were
employed pulling pease. Mr. McLeod arrived with the wagon and brought three hundred forty-pounds of
fresla beef and Alioa who is to be cook at this place. Mr. McLeod took back six
hundred fifty boards for roofing a barn at the fort.
Tuesday, August 16, 1859. Fine, Finished cutting the potato oats and commenced cutting the
weat by the stable.
The 1854 Pierce County Census lists the following:
173. Charles Ross, Half breed Indian¸
174. Kalama, Kanaka¸
175. Keanekacoow, Kanaka¸
176. Tapon, Kanaka¸
177. Lowie, Kanaka¸
180. William Legg aged 21 Farmer, single, from Dorstshire, Engl.¸
196. Willam F. Tolmie aged 33 M.D.,married, from Scotland.¸
199. Edward Huggins aged 22, Clerk, single, from London, Engl.¸
218. Andrew J. Burge, aged 25, Farmer, single, from Demoin, Iowa¸
The 1860 Pierce County Census lists the following:
214. Charles Wren, aged 32, Farmer, married, from Red River.
224. Joseph Legarde, aged 32, Farmer, married, from Red River.
258. Isaac Bastian, aged 41, Farmer, married, from Canada.
265. Charles Ross, aged 28, married from Washington Territory.
272. Andrew Burge, aged 31, married from Missouri.
350. William Legg, aged 28, Farmer, married, from England.
357. Joseph Teboe, aged 43, Farmer, married, from Canada.
520. Edward Huggins, aged 28,Merchant, married, from England.
603. Lagacey, Perish, aged 48, Farmer, married, from Washington.
Taken from the Nisqually Journal
1. Chaulifoux
2. Barnes
3. Northover
4. Fiandie
5. Tapou
6. Keavhaccow
7. Cowie
8. Squally
9. Gohome
10. Thornhill
11. McPhail, John
12. Montgomery
13. Rabasca
14. Beiston, Adam
15. Hatal, S.
16. Sales
17. Slogomas
18. Young
19. Linklater,Thomas
20. Cush
21. Huggins, Edward.
22. Ross, Walter.
23. Tolmie, William F.
William F. Tolmie.
Walter Ross.
1. Isaac Bastien.
2. Adam Beiston
3. Cowie
4. John Edgar
5. Ehoo
6. Kahanniu
7. Keavehaccow
8. Louis Ladoux
9. Thomas Linklater
10. Jacob Low
11. Murdo Macdonald
12. John Montgomery
13. Napahay
14. Mathew Nelson
15. Richard Slocum
16. Joe Tapou
17. Charles Wren.
Louis Latour. leaves February 6, 1847.
John Macleod.
Notes from Hudson's Bay Company Fort Nisqually Account Books, 1833-1850.