Army Officers Discourage Military Aid
Then Pioneers Solve Own Problem
In this year in which we celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of Washington statehood, those who live in comfort and safety and
comparative affluence are far removed from the conditions which confronted the pioneers in the period covered by this series.
Besides the hardships incident to establishing homes in the wilderness, there came in 1854-55 the menace of the Indian
outbreaks. Settlers on Puget Sound were sparsely scattered over an area which now has a population of nearly a million. Means of
communication were limited to foot messengers or express riders on horseback.
Of defenses there were none except the stockade at Fort Nisqually, the few log buildings garrisoned by a handful of
regulars at Steilacoom. At Fort Vancouver barracks on the Columbia river there were not to exceed a couple of hundred men.
It is doubtful if the total armed forces east of the mountains exceeded 200 men.
There was a scarcity of ammunition and supplies. The federal administration which had sent Governor Stevens to Washington
territory was forgetful. Jefferson Davis, secretary of war, strong southern sympathizer even in that day, was antagonistic to
Northwest development because he wanted the first transcontinental railroad built through the south instead of the
He knew that if encouragement were given the Northwest settlers the effect would be to encourage public support of the North
Pacific route surveyed by Gov. Stevens on his way to Washington territory.
So, because politicans in congress were thoughtless and the secretary of war directly opposed to Northwest development, the
settlers were in a sorry plight.
Out here Gen. Wool (he was the second in command instead of the commander-in-chief of the army on the Pacific coast as was
incorrectly stated the other day) was doing everything possible to handicap Gov. Stevens in his efforts to organize an armed
force in the territory.
He advised his superiors that the Indian outbreak was not serious. He reported that the Indians were only trying to
protect themselves from white settlers who were killing their men and if the whites would behave themselves there would be no
Indian troubles.
There were some few cases which justified Gen. Wool's position but that was not generally true. The Indians did not confine
themselves to the infinitesimally small number of cases where reprisals might have been justified. Once on the warpath they
swept the country before them.
Settlers had been driven from the Puyallup valley and their crops and buildings destroyed. Seattle had been attacked and the
settlers driven to a group of log houses in one corner of the town. They would have been killed had it not been for the
arrival of the United States gun boat Decatur which bombarded the Indians with shot and shell.
Settlers who had been warned and fled from their homes in the Duwamish valley were induced to return by promises of security
by Indians believed to be friendly. The next night after they returned several families were murdered. The bodies of women and
children were thrown into the wells and the bodies of the men were mutilated.
In a battle in the White river valley, Lieut. William A. Slaughter was killed. Settlers who had not heeded the warning
shared the same fate.
Under these conditions it is no wonder that the people responded to Gov. Stevens' appeal for volunteers and a solid front against
the Indians. Block houses and stockades were built at strategic points, manned by the older men.
The merchants of San Francisco extended credit for arms and ammunition and supplies. Inside of three weeks after he issued
his proclamation calling upon the settlers to defend their homes, three companies of volunteers and two companies of Indian
auxiliaries were ready as soon as the volunteers took the field.
In spite of the vast extent of the region and the scarcity of supplies the two services were so well organized that the
volunteers never had to wait for orders nor were they ever without.