(Erastus Light, "Early Times in Pierce County.").
During the year 1863 Andrew Byrd was killed. A man by the name of Bates was around town and he had spent nearly all day behind the
stove in my store. When it came time to close the store he went out, and the next morning he was on hand again and resumed his seat
of the day before.
I had noticed him and was a little suspicious but paid no particular attention. I had stepped out of the store for a short
time and was busy when someone rushed out, calling to me that Byrd had been shot in the post office. I rushed to the scene but Bates
had been taken care of and was safely behind the bars of the jail.
Byrd had been shot in the lower part of the body near the groin. the wounds were pronounced fatal. Excitement was at its highest
pitch, and I could see an undercurrent of will and determination that meant business to the murderer if Byrd died.
He lived a day or two, and as soon as his death became known the town was full of men, and it seemed that those living at a distance
had got there as if by magic. They made their appearance in such a short time.
The crowd assembled at Keach's store. I was sent for and requested to go to the jail and interview the murderer. I did so. The man
denied that anyone was accessory to the crime, but that he had killed the man of his own free will, and had meditated the deed.
We returned to the place of the gathering and reported what the doomed man had said. They had a long rope, with a
running noose, sledge hammers, picks, and crow bars.
Keach spoke and said, " Boys, you know your duty." They needed nothing further. They followed Keach to the jail. I followed after
them. They commenced at the upper door. I had superintended the building of the jail and knew something of its construction, and
I told them if they were determined to go into the jail they had better enter by the lower door, at which they
flew with their sledges and hammers, all to no avail.
They grabbed up a large square piece of timber and used it as a battering ram, but the door stood fast. I told them the best way,
and the way of the least damage was by removing the brick at each side of the door frame, which they did, and soon the door, frame
and all was lifted out.
The sheriff had placed inside one long, heavy, three inch plank, secured the other end to the floor and was standing on it. The
board came forward with a crash when the door was removed and some of the determined men barely escaped being caught beneath it.
The sheriff was armed but he did not long remain so. The cell that contain the murderer was broken in to and he was dragged out, badly
frightened. Someone cried out to give him a fair trial, whereupon I was appointed judge. I declined having anything to do with the
matter, as he had acknowledged the crime, and the mob knew it.
The man whispered to some one that he wanted to see old Mr. Meeker. A man was sent out on the road to watch for any soldiers that might
come and another dispatched for Mr. Meeker, who refused to come. In the meantime the rope had been placed about the man's neck, and
about one hundred men lay hold of it and he was led to a barn, from which protruded the end of a
Over this the rope was thrown and under it the man was placed, nearer dead than alive. He whispered to someone, for he could not
speak audibly, that he wanted to see me. I went to him and took down his requests in a book, and, as I was soon afterward made
probate judge, I saw all of them carried out.
When he had finished speaking I said to the crowd that he had nothing more to say, and in a moment more his body was swinging in
the air. He showed no signs of life nor feeling after being lifted from the ground and he was let down a corpse.
No one was ever punished for any part they took in this affair.
(Erastus Light, "Early Times in Pierce County.")
At the time (of Byrd's murder) I was living five miles from Steilacoom on my ranch. Mr. Berry, who had bought and lived on part
of my place, came out from town one evening about sundown and told me that Byrd had been shot and Bates was guilty of the dastardly
deed. I tried to organize a company and go and hang Bates that night, but they would do nothing until morning.
We all went to town the next morning and I called to see Byrd. He was still living, but was very weak. They would not allow me to
speak to him, but to look at him strengthened the desire to see his slayer meet his just reward.
I left the room with tears in my eyes for he had always been a good friend to me. I had bought cattle and lumber of him and had bought
feed at his mill. I would sometimes tell him I did not have the money to pay for it, but he always said that made no difference,
that I could have a thousand dollars worth if I wanted it.
The more I thought of his untimely end, the worse I felt about it and I started out to get men to help swing Bates up. I found twenty
men who agreed to hang him if Byrd died, but I wanted to string him up then for it was plain that his intentions were to kill Byrd on
the spot.
Byrd died at ten o'clock that night, and the next morning we adjourned to an old stable that stood near the jail. We put a pole
out from the top of the stable on which was fastened a block and tackle. We took a big piece of timber which we used for a battering
ram, and tried the jail door, but we could not gain access.
Steven Judson was then the sheriff and he braced the door on the inside. Philip Keach had taken a new ax up with him and Thomas
Headly took the ax and began to chop the door, but the door was so full of spikes that nothing was made by that effort. I then took
the ax and place in on the bolt which locked the door and told Headly to strike the ax with a sledge hammer which
he did and the bolt was cut in two.
M.J. West was picking a hole in the brick with a crowbar, but I told him we would get the door open. I took the crowbar and pried
off the casting the door was bolted to and took the casing for a pry and broke it open. The door fell out toward the men and Philip
Keach had his army slightly hurt.
H. D. Montgomery made a rush to go in past the sheriff but he pushed him back. I then caught the sheriff by the arm and dragged
him out of the door, down the steps to the ground and B. Dolbear got him by the arm and we held him and the others rushed inside the
I was going to let the sheriff go, but the men told us to hold on to him and take him down town for they meant to hang Bates. While
we were at work trying to get into the jail two layers were on hand and they told us we would have to suffer for it.
While we kept the sheriff down town, the other men strung Bates up. When there were about to hand him, he said he wanted to see old man
Meeker, and tell him what to do with his property.
He said he was willing to die if he could kill Dr. Springs and Montgomery, brother-in-law of Erastus Light and after husband of
Ellen Byrd.
Bates was hung in the morning and when I left town after dinner time his body was still hanging. Thus ended the life of one of the
cowardly dastardly fiends of crime which infested this coast a few years ago.
Such punished is rarely meted out to anyone in these days, and we all look at the prosperity of this grand country with pride. The
strides we are making will be noted over the entire country and we may expect as good and peaceable a people as is to be found in any
part of the world.
William D. Vaughn, "The Byrd murder" Tacoma Weekly Ledger, February 17, 1893.
Leland Athow, "A brief history of the Adam Byrd branch of the Byrd family.
A tragedy that marred the early history of Washington was the death of Andrew F. Byrd, January 22, 1863. Andrew Byrd, who operated a
saw mill, a grist mill and a slaughter house near the source of Chambers Creek, was a man of sterling character and enjoyed the
highest esteem of all decent and respectable citizens of the county. Being a public spirited man, he spared no effort
in promoting the school, library, Masonic Lodge, roads and other activities that benefitted the community.
J.M. Bates, who was regarded as a halfwit, lost a cow, and an enemy of Byrd told Bates that Byrd had stolen it and the head was
in Byrd's slaughter house. Byrd assured Bates he had not seen the cow, even went so far as to tell Bates to go himself to the
slaughter house to see. The enemy would not let the affair drop, but kept right at Bates.
On January 21, 1863, Andrew Byrd went to Steilacoom, about a mile from his home, and upon entering the post office was fired upon by
Bates who had been waiting for him. The details are fairly well told in accounts of the shooting published in the Puget Sound
Herald. In the issue of January 22, 1863, was the following:
"Yesterday about one o'clock p.m. was perpetuated another diabolic attempt at murder, this time in our own town, in the presence of
several witnesses. One of our most sterling and inoffensive citizens, Mr. Andrew F. Byrd, on this occasion was the victim.
"At about the hour indicated, Mr. Byrd entered the post office on business and had barely time to seat himself before J. M. Bates,
with whom he had some weeks previously had a slight controversy respecting some lost cattle, opened the door, stepped over the
threshold, and deliberately shot him; the ball entering the side and remaining in the body.
"The wounded man was immediately removed to Galliher's hotel, and Bates at once taken into custody, declaring that he wanted to kill
another man, (Dr. Spinning) and then he would be ready to expiate his crimes on the gallows. Bates is now in jail awaiting the result
of the wound. At the time of his removal, it was generally supposed the shot would prove fatal, and that Mr. Byrd
could not survive more than one or two hours. Dr. Steinberger, the garrison surgeon, who
instantly responded to the summons upon him, gave it as his opinion that if Mr. Byrd survived till
morning, he would ultimately recover.
"This morning we are happy to say, he was pronounced much better, and his friends were hopeful of his recovery; but his condition was
still very precarious.
"Much feeling was manifested by the citizens during last evening, and a strong disposition prevailed to hang Bates without delay. If
Mr. Byrd had died during the night there is little doubt that Bates would have been hung immediately afterwards. As we go to press, the
excitement is subsiding and the prospects of the recovery of Mr. Byrd are improving."
"The Murder," Puget Sound Herald, Steilacoom, Washington Territory, January 29, 1863.
"Amid the excitement and confusion consequent upon the murder of the lamented Andrew F. Byrd, added to the short interval between
that event and the issue of our paper of the 22nd instant, it was almost impossible to make up a correct circumstantial account of
the sad affair. As usual, on such occasions, there was a variety of versions, no two of which could be reconciled
with a strict regard to the truth, with the perfactory remark that the event originated
in an utterly unfounded charge by Bates, that Byrd had killed his (Bates's) cattle, we proceed to give the
facts attending to the murder.
"It seems that Bates, several days before the commission of the act, made threat indicative of his purpose, but they were unheeded
for the reason that he was not thought capable of perpetrating so great a crime.
"Unhappily he was too seriously in earnest. For nearly three days, from early morning each day, he patiently awaited the coming of his
victim in the post office, which place he knew Byrd visited every time he came to town.
"At about one o'clock on Wednesday, 21st instant, Mr. Byrd, as was his wont, all unsuspicious of a lurking foe, lying in wait for his
life, entered the post office; but scarcely had he taken the third step within the door when he received his death wound, followed an
instant afterwards, as he turned to escape, by a second shot which struck him in the leg.
Not content with this, the murderer was proceeding to discharge the third shot at him, but his pistol would not revolve; the last
exploding cap having lodged between the hammer and revolving barrels and stopped it.
"Meanwhile Mr. Byrd ran out into the street and on the wharf, where he fell into the arms of Mr. Hanselman, who covered the wounded
man's person with his own body as Bates approached to shoot the third time. Immediately hereupon, before he could fire again, Bates
was taken into custody; remarking as he was so, that he wanted to kill Dr. Spinning, and then he was ready to
"These are the facts as we have them from Messrs. Munson and Hanselman; the first named being inside the post office at the
time, and the latter about to enter. There were one or two other witnesses of the act, but they witnessed nothing in addition to
what is above stated.
"In justice to Dr. Steinberger, we should here state that we were misinformed respecting his opinion of the nature of the wounds. We
have since been assured that he entertained no hope at any time of Mr. Byrd's recovery; he considered the first wound mortal as soon
as he examined it.
"Nevertheless he was assiduous in his attention; remaining all Wednesday night with Mr. Byrd, and devoting all the skill of which
he is master to the alleviation of his sufferings. This explanation is due to the Doctor's personal reputation."
"End of the Tragedy," Puget Sound Herald, January 29, 1863.
"We last week noticed briefly the beginning of the most thrilling tragedy that has yet taken place in this community. Now it becomes
our painful duty to give the conclusion of the sad events. Mr. Andrew F. Byrd expired at about 10 o'clock on Thursday night, thus
destroying the last hope indulged by his many friends and relatives.
"From the moment at which Mr. Byrd received his fatal wound to that which terminated his life, a feeling of very anxious solicitude
prevailed all minds. When death put an end to the painful suspense a single impulse inspired our citizens, with scarcely an exception,
to hang the murderer with as little delay as possible.
"As he had given his victim no warning of his hellish purpose, so a speedy retribution was deemed most in accordance with justice.
Accordingly at an early hour on Friday morning, preparations were made for the closing scene in the tragedy.
"With a coolness and deliberation credited to all concerned the people set about the necessary arrangements which were concluded at
noon, shortly after which, to the number of about a hundred, and embracing the most worthy and responsible men of the county, they
went in a body to the jail.
"Arriving there, they first demanded admission, which the sheriff refused. Then with a sledgehammer, axe, and crowbar, they
proceeded to force an entrance through the lower door. In this, after some delay, and much labor, they finally succeeded; after
tearing off the jambs, the door was wrested from the hinges and fell outwards upon the ground.
"Mr. Judson, the sheriff, here came in full view, having been supporting the door on the inside, and warned the people against
further proceedings. On the attempt being made to enter, he resisted; but he was soon over powered, and forcibly borne away by
"A single blow of the axe sufficed to break the lock which fastened the door on the cell, and the next moment Bates, the murderer was
in the hands of his executioners, the neighbors, friends, and the avengers of the pure and good man he had slain.
"On being asked if he had anything to say, or any dying request to make, he expressed a desire to see several persons not present.
These were sent for, and, at the end of a quarter of an hour, Mr. J. R. Meeker, one of the persons he wished to see appeared.
"To Mr. Meeker he expressed his last request; being instructions regarding disposition of his property and the internment of his
body. An appropriate prayer was made by Rev. Sloan, and after being blindfolded, his body was suspended by the neck and his soul
launched into eternity.
"Several distinct contractions of the muscles, seen in the steady rising and falling of the body were the only visible symptoms of
either life or pain until his pulse ceased to beat.
"He persisted to the end in justifying the act for which he died; asserting that he did not regret it, and that he had sufficient
cause for it. There were few or none present who did not have a better acquaintance with his victim than did Bates, and that
acquaintance was of a character to discredit the assertion of Bates, that he had suffered wrong at the hands of Byrd.
"So far as we can learn, the unfortunate man did not have a friend in the county, though he had lived here many years. His remains
were buried on Sunday last, at a place indicated by him. He was from Bethel, Vermont, where his mother still lives. We did not
learn his age, but judge he was twentyeight or thirty years old."